Wednesday 1 July 2009

Poem - Heat


How we long
for some Sun
and heat,
that's creates a hot seat.

OOO ouch,
and that was only
from laying on the
living room couch.

Any hotter
and we'll melt,
as the weather becomes
our sunshine belt.

No more California
here I come,
stripping off
and burning our tum.

Beach sand
that becomes scorched,
whilst the rest of us
is torched.

The steam rising
from cement,
with an Ice cream
in sight to tempt.

Out into the country
and away from it all,
with heat so intense
that becomes a brick wall.

Scantily laid bodies
laying all over the place,
who doesn't appreciate
a good looking face.

Night times
are like fiesta's,
after long Summer day

Through heat
that's strong,
it's time to
dance all night long.

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