Sunday 5 July 2009

Poem - The journey

The journey's
not yet done,
got to get across
where more rivers run.

Going to places
that are near or far,
finding out about all
the beautiful things we are.

Clean across the country
into another state,
was an act
of fate.

Soaring like birds with
large wing spans,
and travelling like nomadic tribes
attached to caravans.

A restless nature
hungers and thirsts,
hoping and dreaming
this bubble never bursts.

Got to just
enjoy the ride,
until we meet again
on the other side.

For the journey
hasn't ended,
and following our truth
upon us descended.

From West Virginia
and onto Tennessee,
just moving on is
the way it has to be.

Through France
until reaching Arabian sand,
heading towards the
warm waters of Thailand.

Letting nothing stand
in our way,
until reaching India
and learning to say Namaste.

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