Thursday 2 July 2009

Poem - Settling down

Settling down

Looking at
our appearance
in the mirror,
to see if its clearer.

Not quite the
way it used
to be,
nor liking what we see.

From the wisdom
of our years,
has also produced

An emotional bag
that feels
like an
worn out rag.

Into the depths
we drown,
until it's time
for settling down.

From the
Psychological poison
that infests,
and never rests.

A tug of war
becomes the ride,
and is overwhelmed
by the currants and tide.

Weather brews
until settling down
becomes the
path we choose.

The heart cold
like snow,
that no longer knows
which way to go.

Until the freezing process
began to melt,
and became difficult
was how it felt.

Settling down
had become difficult,
because of the foundations
we had built.

For everything was
standing in our way,
unlike the times
of yesterday.

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