Wednesday 24 June 2009

Poem - Heaven Knows - Dedicated in loving memory of my mother Jill.

Heaven knows.

Difficult choices
that's the way it goes,
and how it pans out
only Heaven knows.

Moments when
life rejoices,
amongst a World
of voices.

Trying to live
your life by example,
when all you end up
getting is a sample.

Being the life and soul
right here and now,
that only time
can allow.

The journey that
leaves you tired,
when all you yearned for
was to be inspired.

It took guts
to follow your truth,
of that you
were living proof.

Trying to understand
your pain,
that was like
a heavy chain.

Bright, cheerful and optimistic
in so many ways,
your spirit lit
up the days.

Child, woman,
wife and mother,
you''ll always be
Jill to us and no other.

Life moves and flows,
and your a part
of love now
which Heaven knows.

Love and light

Peter James

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