Thursday, 16 July 2009

Poem - The Brynystwyth Estate

The Brynystwyth Estate
is falling apart,
that's been happening
from the start.

Problems with
blocked drains,
who built this place
didn't have any brains.

Pipes that aren't thick,
and everything looks like
it was glued
with Prit Stick,.

Who goes first
through the floor,
never dropped in on you
like this before.

Thanks for
breaking my fall,
and apologies for
damaging the wall.

Its a real teaser,
when your home's
turning into
The Leaning Tower of Pisa.

We've got some
big outer wall cracks,
but no-one wielded
the axe.

If we get an
Earth tremor,
that would cause
a dilemma.

These flats are
but look where I landed
my good gracious.

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