Friday 2 March 2007

The path we choose

There are many roads
to the path we choose,
do we accept it,
or refuse.

Sometimes we might
not even know
the path we're on,
and maybe never realise
it had turned out wrong.

One path that leads to
another bitterness and pain,
that comes down upon us
like heavy rain.

Consciousness can
be a difficult thing
to grasp and learn,
always like an endless
twist and turn.

Drug, sex, and
any other label,
the World we built
up for ourselves
is not stable.

But there's one fortunate thing,
if you plead insanity,
let someone else find a better way
of dealing with humanity.

For we can all only
do so much,
and at the end of the day
we find we're
out of touch.

So whatever direction
we take to the path we choose,
life continually turns and twists
it's screws.

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