Monday 5 March 2007

Ocean's away

We come and go
even though we
are Ocean's away,
just the thought of you
brighten's my day.

Cherishing the moments
when everything felt good,
remembering in the grand
scheme of thing's
where you once stood.

But that vast and uncontrollable
Ocean can be difficult
for us to cross,
but maybe it's because
we don't understand
that it can feel unbearable
to live with the loss.

But in our hearts and
minds no ocean can keep
us apart or divide us
as to how we truly feel,
even the briefest thoughts
of one another we steal.

For not to imagine
or think of you
becomes like an unbearable pain,
and fond memories we need
to keep us from going

So we never really are
Ocean's away,
it's just our thoughts and
feelings sometimes
are kept at bay.

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