Friday 23 February 2007

Right in front of eyes

It's right in front
of our eyes,
how it's so
easy for information
to terrorise.

It has no direct
bearing upon
your life,
information and their
words can cut
like a knife.

It's all carefully edited
upon a TV screen,
creating a glimpse
of what can set the scene.

If it's not the state of the planet,
then fault has to be found elsewhere,
you start thinking for yourself,
and that has the power to scare.

We live in a World
that goes through
rapid and constant change,
not often being a fair
or just exchange.

But if we could all create
just one new thing,
imagine what joy for everyone
that could bring.

Many ideas came along
but other thing's got in their way,
some might argue
they'd had their day.

But a good idea never
really dies,
and truth in some shape or form
is right in front of our eyes.

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