Friday, 9 March 2007

At the Menai Straits

A cold and weary Roman army
lies encamped and waits,
at the Menai Straits.

The waters can be
treacherous and rough,
just the hanging around
had to be tough.

Over on the Isle of Anglessey
the last remnants of the
Welsh Druids remain,
by the Roman's
they'll be slain.

This has to strike
a passionate Welsh chord,
for all those who
perished by the sword.

Anglessey was to be
their last piece of ground,
and became one huge
burial mound.

But the Roman's
still had to make
it across,
to inflict the last
Druid loss.

The nerve and sense
of feeling knowing
you just have to watch
and wait,
because this was to be
their fate.

After that the Roman
victory was complete,
but it wasn't an easy feat.

For an ancient army
would find it hard to
get around,
and had no idea
of what would be found.

At least on Anglessey
time was on the Druid side,
but the outcome was
so many brutally died.

Nowadays there are two
bridges that span over
to the otherside,
but the Menai straits
still create a treacherous tide.

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