Friday 9 March 2007

The wilds of Wales

Breathing in
all that hill
and mountain air,
this country's heart
and soul to bare.

It's majesty and
against valley's
that are lush, green and tender.

The wild's of Wales
that echo
passions of rejoice,
bellowing out in
melodious voice.

When it's cold and wet
and it's raining down hard,
the wild's of Wales
inspire the bard.

When it turns to rain
or shine,
the Wild's of Wales
are divine.

Beauty that is bestowed
like a sacred trust,
the vivid green's
unplagued by
dirt and dust.

Venturing off
into the wild's
of Wales,
where mystery and
adventure prevails.

Down a pathway
and through a
secluded wood,
leading to where
Merlin might
have stood.

There's magic in
this country,
without telling tales,
you've just got to find it
for yourself out amongst
the wild's of Wales.

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