Sunday 18 February 2007

Politics is bankrupt

Politics is bankrupt
in every single way,
leaders love the
sound of their own voices,
but have too many obstacles
in their way.

Politicians are here
today and gone tomorrow,
whilst the rest of us
deal with our pains and sorrow.

The real world is
full of hungry mouths
to feed,
whilst big business and
political resources fuel greed.

Some might say
this is absurd,
but political spin
today is the word.

Some leaders had
decided to go to war,
how would we feel if
a soldier came knocking
down our door.

It's been tried so many
times and here we are today
and once again,
the front lines of sacrifice
full of young women and men.

Politicians really spare no
expense when it comes to
fighting a war,
leaving their own country
financially red raw.

The media with
an ability in politics
to make or break,
whilst so many people's
lives are at stake.

Politics that is
like soft cushioning and foam,
far more attractive upon the surface,
than what you'll find in
an ordinary home.

Somehow you want to believe
that they are trying to keep
the dream alive,
but there's too much stinging to
be had in the political Beehive.

Politics is bankrupt
in every single way,
because it's too big an ocean to cover
in the World we live in today.

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