Sunday, 18 February 2007

A 21st century way of living

There's been
more taking
than giving,
is this to be
a 21st century
way of living.

Where is the
caring and all
the hope,
are we only going to
be nice to one another
if we take dope.

Where's the basic decency
and humanity,
in a World that has been
turning towards insanity.

What's been created is
a back log and too rigid
a dividing line,
everything we say and do
is a warning sign.

We've got to start
living and thinking
much further ahead,
a brighter future of creativity

Doctors that can find suitable
cures for many life threatening
diseases and solutions to some
of the social ill's,
a society that has progressed
from life threatening spills.

A 21st century way of living
doesn't have to be all perilous
doom and gloom,
just to redress the balance
to find some room.

We must believe once again
in each other,
in a World of bizarre atmosphere,
because a 21st way of living
could be the purpose today
as to why we're here.

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