Sunday 18 February 2007

Children of the revolution

Children of the revolution
you are the solution,
for it's through your eyes
that you'll emerge from
the sewers of squalor and

The cracks are clearly
visible right here and now,
to fight for truth and justice
will be your life long

To defend the helpless
and those that
have become weak,
to revive a World
who's future
has become dreary
and bleak.

We all come in
different shapes
and sizes,
but it's your generation
who'll be amongst the
brightest prizes.

Things appear to have
got bad
because there are few ideas
and nowhere for them to go,
that we have come to feel
the tremors below.

You might not appear
to have much to give,
but your the children
of the revolution
so that other's can live.

Some might think
that now is finally
our demise,
but fear has blinded
our eyes.

You'll encourage the World
and it's people to take
a look,
and will write a new chapter
in life's book.

Children of the revolution
show mercy to those
who have lost their way,
who forgot what it was like
to happily play

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