Sunday 18 February 2007

Wherever we roam

Wherever we roam
this World is
our home.

A landscape that is desert
a home built upon ice,
wherever we roam
can come at a price.

Those that venture
into a new terrain,
yet living in a sitting
for some can be insane.

Some need the freedom
and expression of the wide
open road,
whilst a river's water's
met the sea and into it
they flowed.

Wherever we roam
through the long tall
tree's and grass,
to the peaks that
overlook a mountain pass.

To the animals of the land,
water, and sky
wherever we roam
they too pass us by.

Wherever we roam
through the driving wind,
and rain,
we live in such a beautiful World
yet still find it within ourselves
to remain divided and complain.

The skylight of the World
oneday can be brightly shining
from way up high,
so that wherever we roam
we have the chance in life
for another try.

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