Friday 23 February 2007

Right in front of eyes

It's right in front
of our eyes,
how it's so
easy for information
to terrorise.

It has no direct
bearing upon
your life,
information and their
words can cut
like a knife.

It's all carefully edited
upon a TV screen,
creating a glimpse
of what can set the scene.

If it's not the state of the planet,
then fault has to be found elsewhere,
you start thinking for yourself,
and that has the power to scare.

We live in a World
that goes through
rapid and constant change,
not often being a fair
or just exchange.

But if we could all create
just one new thing,
imagine what joy for everyone
that could bring.

Many ideas came along
but other thing's got in their way,
some might argue
they'd had their day.

But a good idea never
really dies,
and truth in some shape or form
is right in front of our eyes.

Sunday 18 February 2007

A different latitude

I don't know
from what direction
you've been setting sail,
but wherever your headed
may good wind's prevail.

I don't wish to
appear ungrateful or rude,
but your now on
a different latitude.

Wherever you travel
even though we may
be Poles apart,
you will always be deep
inside my heart.

Your truly amazing
and my life is
full of gratitude,
even as I watch you
move on along a
different latitude.

But I know this World
is round,
and oneday you might
just come back,
so whatever weather is thrown
at you,
take along this Mac.

Doesn't matter if you've
got different seas to sail,
or many mountains
to climb,
a different latitude
will let you figure thing's
out in time.

You better get going now
it's you making it alone
and not I,
at the Quayside
I'll quietly say farewell
and goodbye.

A World of sound

What I've found
is a World of sound,
like thoughts going
around in my head,
wherever I go,
I just know,
there's so much
to cherish instead.

To this World
we all belong,
but if only
we could find
the right song.

There's a simple
way of feeling,
it comes from
all around us
and in a whole
World of sound,
but we bury ourselves
deeper underground.

The melodies
of the Ocean,
that stirs
the wheel
of emotion.

The sounds of the
birds chirping in
the tree's,
the dramatic music of
a winter's breeze.

The sounds of the
and their melody
of the sea,
if only we could find
it within ourselves
like them to live free.

But the tide and
the current
seem to hold us back,
in a World of sound
it feels more like an attack.

But in a World of sound
we need a party that
set's the tones and scenes,
and we'll rock the joint
better than they do down
south in ole New Orleans.

Rock N' Roll

There's a liberating
dimension for my soul,
I just listen to that upbeat
sound of Rock N' Roll.

Doesn't matter
just as long as it's
rock n' roll,
maybe it's a live
performance at
the Hollywood Bowel.

Listen to that upbeat
rhythmn of the drum,
to that bass guitarist's
slow soulful strum.

There's a real full of life feeling
in that Rock N' roll sound,
that beneath your feet
shakes the ground.

When it's electrifying
you've just got to turn
up the amp,
blare it loud
when outside
it's cold and damp.

When you feel
like your life has
gone off track,
just put on a good ole
Rock N'roll song
to get the good times

The sounds of the radio
music playing on air,
moving to that Rock N' roll
feeling without a worry
or a care.

If you want to
feel the energy
and put back into your life
some fizz,
then keep listening to
Rock N' roll,
cuz that's just what
it is.

Children of the revolution

Children of the revolution
you are the solution,
for it's through your eyes
that you'll emerge from
the sewers of squalor and

The cracks are clearly
visible right here and now,
to fight for truth and justice
will be your life long

To defend the helpless
and those that
have become weak,
to revive a World
who's future
has become dreary
and bleak.

We all come in
different shapes
and sizes,
but it's your generation
who'll be amongst the
brightest prizes.

Things appear to have
got bad
because there are few ideas
and nowhere for them to go,
that we have come to feel
the tremors below.

You might not appear
to have much to give,
but your the children
of the revolution
so that other's can live.

Some might think
that now is finally
our demise,
but fear has blinded
our eyes.

You'll encourage the World
and it's people to take
a look,
and will write a new chapter
in life's book.

Children of the revolution
show mercy to those
who have lost their way,
who forgot what it was like
to happily play

A 21st century way of living

There's been
more taking
than giving,
is this to be
a 21st century
way of living.

Where is the
caring and all
the hope,
are we only going to
be nice to one another
if we take dope.

Where's the basic decency
and humanity,
in a World that has been
turning towards insanity.

What's been created is
a back log and too rigid
a dividing line,
everything we say and do
is a warning sign.

We've got to start
living and thinking
much further ahead,
a brighter future of creativity

Doctors that can find suitable
cures for many life threatening
diseases and solutions to some
of the social ill's,
a society that has progressed
from life threatening spills.

A 21st century way of living
doesn't have to be all perilous
doom and gloom,
just to redress the balance
to find some room.

We must believe once again
in each other,
in a World of bizarre atmosphere,
because a 21st way of living
could be the purpose today
as to why we're here.

The driving force

Politicians give me gas,
and are usually talking
right out of their ass.

This topic for some
might not be polite,
but just like gas
it's about what
they can ignite.

We're a methane driven
society this everybody know's,
but the political gases
forever grows.

It get's to the point
where you've hardly
got enough room to breathe,
what's it going to take
to relieve.

Just like gas
there's not too
much political restraint,
and what's coming out
or is it a case of no it ain't.

Politicians can be fuelled
by desire that's enough
to set everyone else pants
on fire.

They block the passageways
and the air vents
with their gasious ideas,
we haven't breathed good
clean air in years.

Is this a question of
energy or a purely
agricultural matter,
all over the political
headlines something
will splatter.

Alright if they are stuck
for ideas and there's
no where else for all that
trapped gas to go,
then oneday like
a volcanic eruption
it's gonna blow.

Political leaders are
supposed to be in
society the driving force,
but their over inflated ideas
are like gas and
steer them off course.

People power

If we could make
the time for just one hour,
then this World could
experience true
people power.

All individuals
but united in spirit
throughout every land,
there are so many things
about one another
we could learn to understand.

United we could all make
a choice,
for all to recognise people power
and it's voice.

Not to act in anger
or to abuse,
because if we play that game
we'll all lose.

Many different places
and yet we all have unique
and individual faces.

We could learn to address
the things that really
matter the most,
people power playing host.

The material World
can only go on for
so long,
then it possess the potential
for going wrong.

You may not know the
person doing this to you
along with other's who've
been slain and betrayed,
that's why people power
must be brightly displayed.

People power is the shape
and forming of thing's,
for the unity behind it
truly sings.

This is not about toppling
Governments or attaining
cult status,
for that odour can become
like a foul stench flatus.

Show the World and
ourselves that people
power matters more,
salvage what we can
from what's been washed
up on shore.

For the tide is turning
and no matter what we do
we're all living and learning.

But no matter what life
throws at us,
we must not become a slave,
people power must seek
a more enlightened way
to live and behave.

Wherever we roam

Wherever we roam
this World is
our home.

A landscape that is desert
a home built upon ice,
wherever we roam
can come at a price.

Those that venture
into a new terrain,
yet living in a sitting
for some can be insane.

Some need the freedom
and expression of the wide
open road,
whilst a river's water's
met the sea and into it
they flowed.

Wherever we roam
through the long tall
tree's and grass,
to the peaks that
overlook a mountain pass.

To the animals of the land,
water, and sky
wherever we roam
they too pass us by.

Wherever we roam
through the driving wind,
and rain,
we live in such a beautiful World
yet still find it within ourselves
to remain divided and complain.

The skylight of the World
oneday can be brightly shining
from way up high,
so that wherever we roam
we have the chance in life
for another try.

The magic that is ours

If we could wish
upon billions of star's,
but instead look inside ourselves
to discover the magic
that is ours.

A wish that stirs
the beating heart,
rather than what
drives us apart.

The magic that is ours
through all we've been
experiencing and feeling,
even when it appears
that life has been stealing.

But the magic that is our's
is always there,
even when it's our soul
we have to bare.

The World might appear
wicked and cruel,
but the magic that is ours
can make it through school.

Some might be rich
and another poor,
but the magic that is ours
can emerge in ways
you never thought possble before.

The magic that is our's
is recognisng the brilliance
of our own inner light,
that continue's journeying
on through the dark and
deserted lonely night.

Being taken for a ride

Worlds collide
and you wake up
feeling like
your being taken
for a ride.

From what direction
it came from
is not quite clear,
only that it looked like
another was trying to

Maybe you should
have gone for a tandem,
and decided upon who
goes on front and back,
then everything might
have moved along
a smoother track.

But the journey
became rough and unsteady,
when trouble occurred
neither was ready.

Being taken for a ride
had provided a brief
and breath taking view,
but you soon discovered
it wasn't the one right
for you.

You have to make it
on your own now,
and it sometimes feels
like a permanent uphill slog,
but at least it's not somebody elses
limelight your trying to steal or hog.

You continue finding
your own way,
because being taken
for a ride
is something we all
need to keep at bay.

Keep going on
the way you are
and the process of
becoming super fit,
because upon yourself
you shouldn't quit.

Politics is bankrupt

Politics is bankrupt
in every single way,
leaders love the
sound of their own voices,
but have too many obstacles
in their way.

Politicians are here
today and gone tomorrow,
whilst the rest of us
deal with our pains and sorrow.

The real world is
full of hungry mouths
to feed,
whilst big business and
political resources fuel greed.

Some might say
this is absurd,
but political spin
today is the word.

Some leaders had
decided to go to war,
how would we feel if
a soldier came knocking
down our door.

It's been tried so many
times and here we are today
and once again,
the front lines of sacrifice
full of young women and men.

Politicians really spare no
expense when it comes to
fighting a war,
leaving their own country
financially red raw.

The media with
an ability in politics
to make or break,
whilst so many people's
lives are at stake.

Politics that is
like soft cushioning and foam,
far more attractive upon the surface,
than what you'll find in
an ordinary home.

Somehow you want to believe
that they are trying to keep
the dream alive,
but there's too much stinging to
be had in the political Beehive.

Politics is bankrupt
in every single way,
because it's too big an ocean to cover
in the World we live in today.

Be aware

Be aware
when your out

Global warming's occuring
and many things will change,
weather that we once took
for granted
is turning strange.

We're looking for answer's
to see if we can mend,
or will mother nature
introduce a different blend.

This is not about a demise
but the truth about ourselves
and for everyone to open
their eyes.

In all things nowadays
we must be aware,
but wherever you are
upon this planet,
take care.