The wheel of History has turned many times. Empires have risen and fallen. People have endured and overcome terrible persecution throughout the ages.
20 years ago, the Berlin Wall came to an end. The pace of change, was too great for anyone nation to stand up against.
Iran now faces that dilemma. The old guard, will attempt to halt it's own Citizens evolution. Even through the expansion of global communications It has meant many nations have matured.
Back in 1979, Iran went through a significant revolutionary change. But it wasn't Democratic, and the only way to implement control was through using instruments of fear.
They are a great people, and many have quickly caught on to using the Internet at great risk.
The current Iranian system of Government, can accuse the United States all it wants about propaganda Internet usage. But they to, are a great people who have modernised and adapted to technological advancement. They fundamentally believe in Freedom of speech.
Politicians come and go. That is part of the Democratic process.. Iran has pointed the finger one too many times, particuarly at the United States.
In January 2009, what was once the unthinkable happened. A man of mixed origins, rose to become the most powerful man on Earth. He also has an Islamic heritage on his father's side. Had he been born less than 300 years ago, it would have been only into the suffering and plight of slavery.
The United States has a revolutionary past. They overcame tyranny and persecution. It even meant experiencing a savage and brutal Civil War, which resulted in the Emancipation of the slaves.
The election of Barack Hussein Obama, as the 44th President, was beyond people's wildest dreams. It was no less revolutionary.
It's taken a long time to witness that kind of sweeping change. It's not a perfect country by any means. Yet their hope resides in preserving the fruits of Democracy. Poltically, America has come of age.
If the Iranian people can come to grips with that fact, then their future can be a brighter one.
What the Islamic Goverment doesn't want to recognise is, the Genie was let ouf of the bottle long ago. People have a right to express their views and opinions. Iranian women have to be equal citizens.
If the authorities do not recognise that, then a growing consciousness of change has to emerge. Hopefully it can be achieved peacefully. Modern warfare has shown it'self to be too costly, Politically, economically, and emotionally. There are too many deep Psychological scars that go with it.
If the people of Iran can write blogs away from the snooping eyes of what has become a dictatorship. Then they really cane make a difference. For it's not just the hear and now. By the next generation born, most people will be Computer literate. That can introduce growth in ways that was never deemed possible before.
If Iran could be a shining example of what citizens could do with the Internet. Imagine what other changes could occur elsewhere.
The Pen is mightier than the Sword. Words can be the right ammunition at the right place in time.
The 1990's was a revolutionary time. Global communications changed the way we live our lives. It was expanding at such speed.
Developing nations are now beginning to be provided with the essential computer equipment for schools. It's continually educating us.
Iran is no less different. This country's people are noble and courageous and recognise the potential of modernisation.
If they get this right. A new chapter of History will be discussed for generations as to how they did it.
One final point. If Hitler and the Nazi's had available to them the Internet. Then they could have really clamped down on dissent. Fortunately that was another time. Yet it goes to show the power of fear, especially where dictatorships are concerned.
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