Friday 14 May 2021


Scientists like to inflict pain and suffering
on creatures who wouldn't want to be anywhere near a Lab,
for an experiment they try out on them
a new Jab.

A Rabbit would be living quietly
down it's own hole,
rather than be abused
as part of a Scientific goal.

If a Dog really thought 
Man was his best friend,
trust Scientists could be
it's dead end.

Big Pharma like 
to push up the price,
after what they did
to Mice.

A Cat peacefully
taking a nap,
a Scientist touching it
the Fur Ball was in a Trap.

Scientists torture other Animals
so that one day they're rich,
and won't think twice about what they're doing
to a little Bitch.

Scientists steal from other creatures Bodies
that didn't legally belong to them,
yet violate their

Extract Serum
from a Snake,
and get all excited talking about it
over a Coffee break.

Scientists have always been part
of the War Machine,
the Nazi's were experts
experimenting on people with an unknown Vaccine.

Friday 5 October 2012

Big Bird

It's ruffled
a  Feather or  two,
will America be
bidding Big Bird Adieu?

If Romney did,
President Obama
watched Sesame Street
as a Kid.

Big Bird is a
pleasant fellow,
standing tall
in all his Yellow.

Romneys showed
some cheek,
when that clanger
emerged from his Beak.

The problem
with Mitt,
is wearing that costume
he wouldn't fit.

A Children's
Public TV treasure,
Romney was just not
made to measure.

Good luck Mitt
your on your own,
watch kids turning into
Kevin in Home Alone.

Peter Pan you
wouldn't thank,
for those comments
he'd make you walk the Plank.

Monday 9 July 2012

The Borth Circuit

Yesterday, I did a 28 mile Bike ride circuit from the Town of Aberystwyth, to Borth and on to Ynyslas. From there, I cycled back up to the A487.

I don't like Sundays, and often consider them to be boring, but I do enjoy a Sunday Bike ride. They've often turned out to be pleasant for me. Even when I attended Church years ago, and got into cycling, my Mind wasn't on worship, but getting out on my Bike a.s.a.p.

Instead of cycling the steep Penglais Hill that heads up to the University, I rode along part of the Rheidol Cycle Track, and through the Industrial Estate, where I met up with the main A44 Trunk road. 

At Lovesgrove I turned left and followed the road to Bow Street. This route adds a few extra miles, but I chose to do it that way, so to avoid riding up steep Hills straight away. I usually need a few miles before facing those kind of challenges.

It was a gorgeous sunny Summer Day, when I reached Borth. I sat down on a Bench to eat an Orange, and a couple of Cookies for energy. It was so pleasant, I really didn't want to move, as I was beginning to relax.

I saw somebody swim in the Sea. Rather them than me, as the Sea surface temperature at the moment is only 57 degree's Fahrenheit. 

Cycling a couple of miles on the flat to Ynyslas was nice. I then turned right and looked over to the picturesque views of Aberdovey and the Mountains of Snowdonia.

I don't know why, but for some reason cycling along that road, close to the Dovey Estuary then over a Bridge with a small River underneath, reminds me of cycling in Holland. Even though your surrounded by Hills and Mountains, that particular area makes me think of a Dutch landscape.

I stopped in various places to take Photographs, then met up with the A487 again, where a sign said 9 miles to Aberystwyth.

I can't say I enjoy riding along that road. The scenery is stunning, but it does get busy with Vehicles. There's also not a lot of places to stop for a cyclist. There are sections which become Bike Paths, but most of the time your riding at your own risk.

I found it quite amusing when I got back to Bow Street. I found a Bench, and decided to stop for Lunch. Two cyclists on Racing Bikes passed me and looked over in my direction. I wondered if they were thinking, why has he stopped? The reason for thinking that way is some people can be highly competitive on their two Wheeled Steeds. I ride at my own pace, and if I need a break, I'll stop and take one.

It was an enjoyable ride, and I enjoyed the Day.


Saturday 7 July 2012

Cycling to Strata Florida

On Thursday 5th July 2012, I cycled approximately 16 miles to the ruins of Strata Florida in Ceredigion Mid Wales.

There are a couple of ways getting there. Either along the B4340 Road from Aberystwyth to Pontrhydfendigaid, then turning left just after the Bridge. Or you can take the Sustran's Cycle routes 81 and 82, which are both part of the Ystwyth Trail.

The cycle paths are a safer option, but it does mean having to ride part of Route 82 on the B4340, until reaching the designated paths.  It doesn't completely connect with the Town of Tregaron.

On the B4340, I often encountered Trucks, and I tried where possible to stop and pull my Bicycle right in, so that they could pass. Many honked their Horns to thank me.

Whichever route you decided to take, it passes through some of the most stunning scenery that the Ystwyth Valley has to offer. In places I saw the River bending towards magnificent green Hills. Heading along that route, provides some of the wildest and most remote scenery that Mid Wales has to offer. 

When I finally reached Strata Florida, I parked my Bicycle up against a Wall, and went into the Reception area. I was met with a warm friendly smile from a lady behind the Desk. I paid the £3.20 entrance Fee, and also bought a Cup of Coffee, which I was relieved to get. I need a Caffeine fix to keep me motivated.

I'd been to Strata Florida in February. At that time of year, it's free to enter, but due to cold weather, I had to turn back. I'd wanted to return, because during the Winter, I didn't have enough Battery power left in my Camera. I thought it would be nice to film a short Video there.

It's situated in wonderful grounds, and surrounded by Hills. The History goes back much further than the creation of the Cistercian Monastery.  Archeological excavations in that area, know a lot went on well before the Middle Ages. It is said that a Druid Temple was there before the arrival of the Monks from France. 

A 10th Century Holy Well close by was discovered recently, which means there was an early Christian settlement before the Normans had even arrived.

Between the monastic influence, and earlier Pagan settlements, there's a lot of mysticism in that unique part of Wales. The energy around there is like where one meets the other. Neither dominates, they co-exist, and it's a love and respect for the land. It is said that Strata Florida is on a Ley line which connects with Glastonbury in England.  You certainly feel there's a powerful energy. 

The Monastery in it's day, was well ahead of it's time. It was at one point the largest Estate in Wales, that stretched through the Cambrian Mountains to Abbey cwm hir near Llandrindod Wells, and Newtown in Powys..

Monks would fish up at the Teifi Pools for Eels. A Lady at the Reception Desk last year said to me, that she thinks the Monks had a good life there.

It is a very unique and spiritual place. Just not the ruins, but the entire surrounding area.

On my way back I turned off the B4340 at Trawsgoed, and went over the Bridge to head for the Ystwyth Trail. What's good about that route is, it's mostly flat and easier to cycle. You see stunning views on the B4340, but it does tend to mean cycling up and down many Hills which eventually will wear your Legs down. 

The Ystwyth Trail provides you the opportunity to travel at a leisurely pace alongside the River, without having to worry about any Traffic, Families can ride there in safety. It's also a great place to stop off and have a Picnic. The route all the way along to the Village of Llanilar is wonderful and peaceful. I always enjoy cycling there.

Cycling, does provide an opportunity to discover new places for yourself, and can do it at a gentle pace. You don't have to ride a Bike at a Tour De France level. Just get out and enjoy the day. It also helps the local economies. Stopping off at a village Store to buy extra provisions for your ride, or maybe enjoying a Lunch at a local Pub,  provides you the opportunity to discover what's locally on offer.  The whole of mid Wales really is an adventure on a Bike, waiting to be discovered.


Monday 2 July 2012

Park your pride and push.

Cycling is a wonderful way of discovering a Country. 

I've been fortunate living in Mid Wales to have been able to cycle for the last 8 years. Riding up and down Country Lanes, and reaching summits that have produced stunning vistas, has been of great joy.

Recently I purchased a new Bike. It's a Trek 7.5 FX, and has made all the difference in covering greater distances. I can pound up the Hills better now, than I could on my old Giant Rincon Mountain Bike. I was amazed at just how much easier cycling was up Hills than had previously been the case. 

Several days ago, I undertook a 50 mile Bike Ride along the A44 from the coastal and University Town of Aberystwyth,  to the Village of Llangurig in Powys. 

Although the main Road is not the easiest of routes due to heavy traffic, it did afford me the opportunity of traveling through some beautiful scenery. 

Cycling through the Cambrian Mountains is known as the "Desert of Wales". Due to this utterly stunning part of the UK, it is wild and remote. Towns are few and far between.

Boring it could never be. The route I cycled, passed the Forestry Commission Center at Bwlch Nant Y Arian. It's where the Red Kite Birds are fed, and many are seen flying around. There's a wonderful Cafe there to stop off on route, and sample the delights of it's beautiful natural environment. 

Bwlch Nant Y Arian also provides one of the best Mountain Biking Centers in Wales. There are designated trails for Mountain Bikes and Walkers. It's a place where you can embrace the Elements, and hardly encounter another Soul.

The whole of Mid Wales provides a freedom, but also an isolation to totally get away from the hustle and bustle of the modern World. There is no better way of discovering it than on a Bike. It can be done at your own pace. Being in a hurry, is not the way to enjoy the scenery. Making the effort and taking your time is.

Cycling up Hills and Mountains, may appear discouraging to some people who would consider it too much of an effort. The truth is cycling attracts all ages, and levels of fitness.. 

Having the right Bike as I found out, make's all the difference too. It's no use buying a cheap Bike if you wish ride 40 Miles, and it doesn't fit you properly. That can be a "medieval torture on Wheels".  Cycling is supposed to be fun, and can afford you many a wonderful adventure. It's viewing life at a different pace.

The American Author Ernest Hemingway once said, " it is by riding a Bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the Hills, and coast down them. Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a Motor Car, only a high Hill will impress you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a Bicycle".

Steep gradients can be challenging, there's no doubt about it. There is one long Hill I know of at a place called Aberffrwd. It is a Beast of a Hill, and many a time I've had to walk up it. Either it was too much effort on my previous Bike, or I was put off by encountering the occasional Vehicle driving up or down that particular Country Lane. It became a better choice to walk up it. Putting no end of strain on my Calf Muscles, I was still encouraged to keep going, because at the top, the view was stunning. In that respect and due to the need to preserve your energy levels, it's best to follow the Cyclists motto, "park your pride and push".

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Pluto Report

This is always going to be a Work in Progress, as Pluto remains well hidden, and surfaces at the appropriate time. How I write this now, or in 20 year's time, will be entirely different, based upon new Knowlege that emerges.

Pluto has been classified nowadays as a Dwarf Planet and recently was downgraded on account of it's size.That does serve a useful purpose, as I feel Pluto doesn't want us to see it coming. It will let us get along with our Live's, as if nothing is wrong, then suddenly it's felt.

In Astrology, we can consciously recognise where our Natal Planets aspect Pluto, but as individuals its easy to forget as we still have to go through the motions of living our respective live's. The theory of Pluto is always going to be different compared to how it's personally felt.

I am trying not to attach Labels to this Report, because it's personal to people. Pluto reveals the weakened structures of our live's,, and requires a therapeutic level of expression so that a person can heal. With each individual, new ways have to be found, to help us all get in touch with the power of our own Mind's, as we try to figure out what's gone wrong.

As Pluto has such a direct impact on the Mind, People can go for year's without realising something is wrong. It can lead to Physical ailments and Illness that Medical Practioners can't figure what is actually going on. They can attach a Label to particular symptoms, but fail to recognise the root causes. Pluto does have an affect on someone's Health, as the build up of pressure can be immense. Pluto makes us acknowlege the hurt and pain, so that we can heal. If we don't recognise it, it'll apply more pressure, until we eventually do.

Letting go can be hard, plus it come's into conflict with our own individual Ego. It is a Subject that Volumes could be written about.

I would say that Ego is a good thing, when it is channelled correctly. It's an expression of self, and it can't be avoided. It can be important to have an opinion about something, even if it's not agreed with by other's. It's a very delicate balancing act between playing a Martyr and Victim. An individual has a right to say NO, and be prepared to stand up for their right's in a constructive way.

Pluto can show us where the Mental Snares and Traps are located within our Mind. It'll take some work to find out where they are, even if we consciously think we are in control, we really are not. As long as Pluto take's a hold, it's in the Driver's Seat, and we're going along for the ride, until it is time for that journey to end. The journey is about regaining personal Power, but Pluto acts as the Instructor on how to communicate better with ourselves and each other. When our Live's remain in a state of imbalance, then anything can go wrong.

We exist in a World where nothing is permanent, and have to endure periods of intense Self Transformation.

There have been several experiments carried out on Elderly People, who were transported back to a particular Decade that they were familiar with. Over a period of Week's, they lived in Homes from a certain time. They used appliances that they were familiar with, and listened to Music of the Era. Within Week's, many of their Physical Ailments eased up, and they began to feel young again.

Unfortunately, we can't live in the Past, and have to keep moving forward's. As a Therapuetic example of how the Ageing Process can be reversed, it show's that the Mind is capable of adapting, but providing it is nurtured from time to time. If we don't nuture ourselves, then the Pluto affect can reach Toxic levels that prove to be harmful to our well being.

I am going to be very blunt. There's always been a Stigmatism regarding what is termed Mental Illness.It's an area we do not understand completely, nor have we scratched the surface of it The truth is we're all NUTS, as we have to live in this World where a lot of fear has been created. Yet there can be a root Medical cause created by an imbalance. I might get Male bashed for what I am about to say, but there can be far reaching Medical affects to it as well.

Human Beings live with Hormonal imbalances, as we change. For Men, who have a high Sexual Libido, can be based on an over production of Androgen. It is not known what causes this, yet that can lead to difficulty with Women, or just dealing with Life. Coping with too much Testosterone, could make anybody irritable, and make it difficult to find an appropriate outlet of expression.

Estrogen in Women can work as a protective mechanism. They have their own Hormonal imbalances to go through, but usually it take's longer for a Women to become sexually aroused, than it does a Man. Unless you explore areas of Hypersexuality, which is a Medical Condition in it's own right. This is why Pluto is so important in discovering what the Root, Cause, and Affect can be.

Some Cultures are more comfortable opening up to Sexuality than other's. When it comes to that Subject, none of us are as comfortable with some of the probing questions that Pluto can ask of ourselves. As it breaks down Taboo's, and confronts us to find new ways of - co-existing.

It can be a Battle of the Sexes at time's, only because we don't understand consciously what's going on. It's like walking into an Ambush. Pluto applies the pressure then breaks us down to find a better way of relating.. It's very easy to forget, just how much influence Pluto has over our Mind's. This Planet is a higher octave of Mars, and represents regeneration.

Another difficulty can be Homosexuality. We don't know fully that causes it. Some are openly Gay, but there are those who can feel Physically Sick, at the thought of opening up to a Woman, or for a Female to a Man. There are also those who experience great Psychological trauma about their Sexuality. Today's Society creates too many Labels, without understanding why Nature creates this co-existance.

If the Whole World turned Gay Tomorrow, that would be the end of our Species. Nature has to create a system of check's and balances. It can be equally as difficult for Gay People to establish and form relationships, as it can be for Heterosexuals. Pluto does provide Knowlege to help gain a better understanding. It is quite possible, that there is a Chemical and Hormonal Imbalance, that make's us feel different from one another. This is a very contraversial Subject, and some would view Homosexuality as an Illness, rather than a Sexual preference. If there was a Medical Cure for it tomorrow, you'd probably have Religions demanding that these Souls be Cured and saved. Pluto does pose some difficult dilemma's.

There are so many unexplored areas of the Mind. It is a personal journey, and Pluto's influence need's to be respected. It wields enormous Power not just over ourselves, but the whole of Humanity. What we don't understand, makes us become fearful. Acquiring new Knowlege and raising ourselves past the levels of ignorance and prejudice is not an easy thing to do. We all have Contaminated Thought that does limit our Consciousness. This is why Pluto will always work from behind the Scene's to create neccessary change, so that we can grow, and get past barriers.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Astrological Venus through the signs Poems

Venus in Gemini
Long after they die,
many will
remember a
Venus in Gemini.

Whilst sipping a
glass of Vino,
the Man of your dreams
could be a Rudolph Valentino.

You'll just have to wait
and see,
if they turn out to be
a Sheik or Araby.

Or like Al Pacino
who could undress
Women with his eyes,
might come as a surprise.

For their minds
can work at quite a level,
and the God father himself
also played The Devil.

Venus in Gemini
communicate well,
and will have a good
story to tell.

The youthful lovers
of the Zodiac,
once you've had them
you'll want them back.

Venus in Gemini
can make your heart fly,
without knowing the reason

One moment
they can make you laugh,
the next your making love
in a Bath.

Sharing tender moments
for very ocassion,
they have charm and a lot of

Venus in Sagittarius
Venus in Sagitarius,
can be

For these people
are just not dull,
and would fly off some place
faster than a Seagull.

They like to be
wild and free,
as there's so much
to see.

Here today and perhaps
but gone tomorrow,
but the adventure wouldn't
be one of sorrow.

The Philosophy
of feeling alive,
and into love
they'll dive.

They're not
shy and inhibited
as their passion in the bedroom
is exhibited.

Being so theatrical
when making a move,
that their passion should be
displayed in the Louvre.

A masterpiece in
the making,
they're hot stuff
there's no mistaking.

Warm and friendly
whispering sweet nothing's
in your ear,
the kind you want to hear.

To take you off into
a World some place far away,
where they'll undoubtedly
have their wicked way.

Venus in Virgo
From Chicago
to Santiago,
the World could be their Oyster
for a Venus in Virgo.

They care about
well being,
and when suffering
it hurt's what they're seeing.

They are attracted
to nice aroma's,
and the Educational benefits
of Diploma's.

They adore a sensitive
that awakens their desire
so much.

Over a body
where their hands and fingers
can roam,
sensing a welcoming home.

Warm Summer nights
in Key Largo,
could ignite a fire underneath
a Venus in Virgo.

For underneath
the Palm tree's,
with the one they love
putting their Soul at ease.

Inside it must be like crying,
when the love they seek,
feels like it's

They really are unique,
in more ways
than we could ever

We could encounter
many a Venus in Virgo,
with an Irish charm
from Sligo.

Of this we can be sure
deep down,
their love is

Venus in Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn
have always got time for play,
you think a good thing
they are going to turn away.

Climbing the success ladder
can be hard going,
and some intimacy
they've got themselves owing.

Even Venus in Cappie
need's a vacation,
and love is a
wonderful sensation.

Watch them as
they become older,
when their maturity
is bolder.

They'll be active
at 80,
with some lovely
from Haiti.

All that Work
keeps them fit,
and they possess
a good wit.

For their aims might
be gigantic,
but their humour
could have capsized the Titanic.

The ladies can be
quite glamorous,
and set their sights
on feeling amorous.

Capricorns desire
the best,
even their passion
puts them to the test.

They are loyal
and stable,
but wouldn't say no
to doing it on a Table.

In all thing's
they're a high achiever,
and oneday you'll be
a true believer.
Venus in Cancer

Venus in Cancer
can be passionate
as a Ballerina

For behind closed doors
may be their home,
and every part of it with you
they may wish to roam.

They're not clinging,
and with the right lovemaking
their hearts will
be singing.

They can turn out
to be quite a Teacher,
which can be their
best feature.

For sensitivity
can be an intimate suggestion,
after a meal and satisfying
the digestion.

So after the
main course,
Venus in Cancer may ride you
like a Horse.

Hi Ho Silver
and away they go,
there's a lot to them
that you didn't know.

Then a warm scented
bubble bath,
and feeling amorous again
for the other half.

For in romance
they know how to do it well,
and can have you
under their spell.

Oh they can
be bad,
when let loose
in their own pad.

For they can forget
all about a chore,
and in a heartbeat,
ravish you on the floor.

Just satisify their wishes,
and for you they'll
forget about all
the dirty dishes.
Venus in Aquarius

Their bright side
is hilarious,
when right minds are matched
with Venus in Aquarius.

With a zany humour,
their ideas
can move faster
than a Puma.

So up into
the Cosmos
for a change,
with a Starship in range.

To boldy go
where no-one's gone before,
that is what
Venus in Aquarius is for.

To be light years away,
and on a Holo deck,
for some R and R

Lots of gadgets and gizmo's
to while away the hours,
and perhaps make love
in between Meteor Showers.

If your an inventor
of Hi Tech,
then it wouldn't matter
if you looked like Shrek.

For in their eyes
you'd be perfectly designed,
oo what a turn on
to unwind.

Just keep them amused daily
with a new appliance,
the best you can think up
from the World of Science.

Running on Solar or Wind power
will do,
as they don't think much of Duracell
like you.

Venus in Aquarius do want love,
they'll just have their wicked way
amongst the
Stars up above.

So if you have Spaceship
pull over,
and you might get lucky
on a Supernova.
Venus in Taurus
What a
melodious chorus,
you can create with
a Venus in Taurus.

For they have
good voices,
and their sensuality

They won't chase every
Heifer in the field,
and only make a move
when the right one's revealed.

Lead them to the bedroom,
by that ring through
their nose,
and see how it goes.

For this is no
Cock and Bull story,
as they'll show you the way
to glory.

By dining
on good food,
put 's them in
the mood.

With good hands
to massage their back,
they'll go into
a passionate attack.

Oh Heaven help
us all,
now Venus in Taurus
is having a ball.

is their middle name,
got what you wished for
and only have yourself to blame.

They loved to
chew the cud,
and you'll find out
you've hooked up with a Stud.

Venus in Aries
You'll be needing to say
a few Hail Mary's,
after being ravished by
wild Venus in Aries.

Being pressed up
against the computer,
they performed positions
from the Karma Sutra.

Oneday Indian love making
was the style,
that had been around
for quite awhile.

Their passion was
fiery and hot,
as they hit
the G spot.

They just kept coming
back again for more,
as they got through
the front door.

For Venus in Aries
was quite a lover,
anybody would
soon discover.

Oh the desires
of this Fire sign,
who takes you over
that ecstacy line.

Up in the Mountains
or down in the Praries,
they'll get you anywhere
will a Venus in Aries.

Up in the foot hills,
and down some steep slopes,
let Venus in Aries
show you the ropes.

For they'll keep after you
until their done,
so what can you say about them,
they sure are fun.
Venus in Leo
Oh take me
away to Rio,
where I can be a real
Venus in Leo.

'I'll pamper
you back,
with some Royal treatment
from this leader of the pack.

Let this kitty roar,
in ways I never
thought weren't possible

Keep me entertained
and amused,
as I promise afterwards
you won't be too badly bruised.

For I need
lots of affection,
and my cuddles leave
quite a collection.

Wine me and dine me
with the very best,,
that's a good way
of passing my test.

With the guys
loving a pretty face
by their side,
a gorgeous lovely they just eyed.

Come down with me to
the Copacabana Beach
and let's play,
what do you say.

For your the one
that I love and adore,
never met anyone so beautiful
as you before.

I'll fill your heart
with romance,
as we

Oh Venus in Leo
what is it you do,
that makes someone
want all of you.

Venus in Scorpio
If you wanna know
which way it'll go,
just try it on
with a Venus in Scorpio.

They are passionate
and intense,
and their desire
is immense.

The lady batts
her eye lashes,
but afterwards
you'll be a pile of ashes.

For this girl
has got some desire,
and it's a
smouldering fire.

The man is a
sexual beast,
upon which he
likes to feast.

He may be
some gal's
kind of hero,
a virile Venus in Scorpio.

How fast and furious
can we sink,
that doesn't give another
time to think.

Mortals who descend,
and digest
this incurable

They'll reciprocate
with vim and vigor,
but watch out
what you trigger